


Read more about CKAN at the official CKAN webpage, or contact the Center for Transport Analytics (CTA) for more information on their data:

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Managing datasets using CKAN

At the Center for Transport Analytics (CTA) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) they have lots of traffic-related datasets from many years of projects and project management. To offer a better description of these datasets, and to make them easily accessible for others, CTA have chosen to implement a CKAN solution. CKAN is used for handling metadata describing large amounts of data. Unfortunately, the standard CKAN installation does not support the project structure used by CTA. Therefore Hermes has worked on a CKAN extension that allows datasets to be registered in a project structure. 

The solution that we helped build has two parts:

  • A database with a graphical user interface and functionality for generating reports for each project. A tool for registering metadata for projects with data stored in a familiar folder structure was developed by CTA for the purpose of importing data semi-automatically into the database. These data can be exported to CKAN
  • A CKAN installation that has been customized to handle the project structure (with workpackages, Ph.D. projects, and other sub-projects) used at DTU.

This allows us to add another tool to the toolbox: handling metadata for very different datasets in CKAN.