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Traffic Data Accuracy Tool™ (TDAT™) by Hermes Traffic Intelligence uses proven and transparent methods to analyze, validate and certify critical data purchased from services such as Garmin, TomTom, HERE, and Google/Waze.
Competing providers of traffic related data claim to have the “best” data. You, the customer, have the difficult task of:
Using our proprietary tools, Hermes TDAT™ delivers extensive and detailed insights as to the value and applicability of any source of traffic data.
We have extensive expertise and tools for data driven traffic decision support. At Hermes Traffic Intelligence we analyze, decipher and evaluate any data source.
Client problem:
Hermes TDAT™ solution:
At a fraction of the data stream cost client receives experienced council and a clear view of how acquired data are best applied to the decision making process (i.e. in this case, budget allocation).
The tool is really a toolbox which includes a number of specialized tools developed by Hermes Traffic Intelligence:
The results from comparing different datasources can be represented in a number of ways. One way is to visualize the incident response from each cource, i.e. to create response charts (as shown) below, coloring cells according to the measured speed surrounding an identified incident area, spanning both road segments and time.
Incident response chart
Each row shows the speed measurements collected within a time interval, and each column represents a road segment before, under, or after the incident. Red cells have a speed lower than the speed normally measured in this cell, and green cells have a higher speed. The centered box marks the identified extent of the incident, both in tima and space.