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Mining large amounts of traffic data to find the measurements or raw GPS points related to a single corridor, or connecting two gates, may be both cumbersome and time consuming - unless you use the Corridor Travel Times™ tool from Hermes Traffic Intelligence. This expert tool lets you describe the corridors you are interested in, perform the necessary data queries, and presents the results to you, e.g. in a customized spreadsheet.
The tool consists of four parts:
The tool has mainly been applied to strategic and scientific purposes. Within traffic strategy the applications have been ranging from measurements on turning times in intersections to speed profiles for longer stretches during the day. Scientific applications have mainly been to investigate the differences between datasets describing travel in the same area and time period but in different ways.
If you have collected point-based GPS data from vehicles for a while, and you would like to apply the Corridor Travel Times™ tool, an email to is your next step. The tool can be customized to handle GPS data in your format, database or text-based, as long as each point is described using a well-known coordinates system, gives a (possibly temporary) identification of the vehicle delivering the points, and has a timestamp. If you would like a customized spreadsheet as a result, this can be done as well.